Punk’d Social Media Kit

Social Media Kit - Spring 2024

Punk’d magazine is a publication that has come to social media to spread their message outside of print. Punk’d aims to bring the past of punk music to the modern age, showcasing how it has impacted many artists today as well as it’s iconic history. From the classic punk of the 70s to the present day punk icons, Punk’d covers it all.

*All photos utilized are not my own and belong to the photographers that took them. This is a student project focused on typographical exploration and branding, I do not claim any photos as my own, only the designs surrounding them.

Project Statement

The message that Punk’d magazine and social media aims to spread.

Punk’d is a punk rock powerhouse that calls back to the rich history of the punk rock movement in the spirit of a revival.

The Wordmark

A gif of different iterations that the wordmark went through during the design process.

The wordmark for Punk’d uses a sans serif type face to appeal to a modern audience but has elements of disruption and boldness that calls back to the classic look of punk rock type.

Final Wordmark

Original Magazine Spreads

The magazine spreads that inspired the social media presence of Punk’d Magazine.

The Style Guide

A style guide outlining the design features of the Punk’d publication social media based off the original style guide of the publication.

Final Feed Posts

Posts that would be in the physical feed of the Punk’d Instagram account. Punk’d would mainly follow an “info” style of posting


Concert Photography